American Express Hyderabad Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of American Express Hyderabad is 18004191120 / 1800 419 1414 .
American Express Hyderabad is a part of American Express financial service company that has its headquarters situated in Three World Financial Center, New York City, New York, United States.. American Express started their first business in Buffalo, New York, USA as an Express Mail company. The Company was created at Buffalo, New York, United States in 1850. The company product such as Credit Cards, Small Business Credit Cards, Corporate Cards, Prepaid Cards, Saving Account and CDs, Gift Cards, Digital Prepaid Cards, Travelers Cheque etc. Kenneth Chenault is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the company. 63,600 employees are working in this company. The company net income in 2012 is US$ 4.482 billion.

Credit Card Contacts Of American Express Hyderabad

For queries regarding credit cards contact American Express Hyderabad by using the given contacts:

Jet Airways American Express Platinum Credit Card
Telephone: 1800 208 1223
Telephone: 0124-2801141

American Express Platinum Credit Card
Telephone: 1800 419 1030
Telephone: 1800 180 1030
Telephone: 91-124-280-1030

American Express PAYBACK Credit Card
Telephone: 1800 419 0726
Telephone: 0124 6744144
Telephone: 0124 2801093

American Express Platinum Travel Credit Card
Telephone: 1800 419 2122
Telephone: 0124-2801122

Corporate Card Contacts Of American Express Hyderabad

Customers who want to know regarding corporate card can contact American Express Hyderabad at the below contacts:
Toll Free Number: 1800-419-1092
Telephone: 0124 280 1092 (When calling from overseas)

Support Contacts Of American Express Hyderabad

Customers who need any support regarding the merchant services or need technical assistance can use the given contacts to communicate with the officials:
Toll Free Number: 1800 419 1414
Telephone: 0124 280 1414
Visiting Hours: Monday to Saturday, 10:00AM - 09:00PM

Transaction Authorization Contacts Of American Express Hyderabad

For queries regarding transaction authorization contact American Express Hyderabad at:
Toll Free Number: 1800 419 5960
Telephone: 0124 280 1010

Toll Free Numbers Of American Express Hyderabad

Who are travelling outside India, can also reach American Express Hyderabad directly through calling on the international toll free numbers which are written below:

Countries Toll Free Numbers
USA 18554782353
France 800914323
Australia 1800205898
Singapore 8001012672
Japan 531161280
Germany 8001830795

Vision Of American Express Hyderabad

The vision of American Express Hyderabad is to become a leading developer of payment solutions across the state of India.

Mission Of American Express Hyderabad

American Express Hyderabad's mission is to achieve a highest position in the field of payment solutions and render innovative products and also facilities while managing the greatest standards of ethics as well as governance.

Visiting Address Of American Express Hyderabad

For assistance about American Express Hyderabad services, customers can communicate with the representatives by visiting at the addressees written below:
301 Lumbani Rockdale Diamond Block 3rd Floor,
Somajiguda, Hyderabad- 500082,
Andhra Pradesh, India.

American Express Hyderabad Address

The address of American Express Hyderabad is 301 Lumbani Rockdale Diamond Block 3rd Floor, Somajiguda, Hyderabad- 500082, Andhra Pradesh, India.

American Express Hyderabad Website

The Website of American Express Hyderabad is

American Express Hyderabad Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of American Express Hyderabad is 18004191120 / 1800 419 1414 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of American Express Hyderabad Service Center and American Express Hyderabad customer care number is given below. The helpline of American Express Hyderabad customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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American Express Hyderabad Phone Number Customer Service

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American Express Hyderabad Customer Care Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Kailash Kumawat CallsSep 16, 2016

Mr. Kailash Kumawat On Phone To American Express Hyderabad Service
Sir I am self employed so I want to apply for credit card can you respond your team. My no 9553195788.

Customer care male
Mr. Kailash Kumawat CallsSep 14, 2016

Mr. Kailash Kumawat On Phone To American Express Hyderabad Service
We need credit card how to contact your service please reply
This is my contact number 9553195788
I am from Hyderabad.

Customer care male
Mr. Subhani Shaik CallsMay 25, 2016

Mr. Subhani Shaik On Phone To American Express Hyderabad Service

This Subhani Shaik . My brother yesdhani basha Have American express card, The card NO:3769 3442 8110 02. Last One year he stay In usa. He didn't use The card
Now, He want to pay the total due And cancel card. Since Last August I pay the card minimum due amount By cash to "Pioneer Solutions". One of there employee name as saleem collect Minimum due amount from me. But last three months They didn't cal me about due amount anything. As Now let me Know status of the card and how to cancel the card. Thank you.

Customer care male
Mr. J Pranai Raj CallsNov 10, 2015

Mr. J Pranai Raj On Phone To American Express Hyderabad Service
Hi i am J Pranai Raj i have applied for the credit card american express till now i did't get any replay. I got the application (20153006900036INR) is reviewed in two weeks, but till now i not been get a cal are any replay for the status of credit card. Thanks and regards, J Pranai Raj 9959630430.

Customer care male
Mr. Vijaysharma CallsSep 24, 2015

Mr. Vijaysharma On Phone To American Express Hyderabad Service
Sir, i cannot my documents successfully for american express pay back credit card so please send your executive for document collection. my application no is 20152646900038inr. my cell. no. 8885163623 and name is vijaysharma .

Customer care male
Mr. Vedula Stayanarayana CallsAug 19, 2015

Mr. Vedula Stayanarayana On Phone To American Express Hyderabad Service
I have to clear the credit card dues and obtain no dues certificate,
my credit card number Is 3769376287413000.

Customer care male
Mr. J Satyanarayan Rao CallsMar 12, 2015

Mr. J Satyanarayan Rao On Phone To American Express Hyderabad Service
Recently procured American express card number374431562971007588. I am having problems logging in. Kindly help.

Customer care male
Mr. Sudharshan CallsOct 04, 2014

Mr. Sudharshan On Phone To American Express Hyderabad Service
Dear sir/madam, I am a member of payback card since years. I got a call from your banking financial end regards to credit card eligibility. I could not give them feedback, since i am in out-station due to festival season. Kindly revert me back at the earliest possible in regards to the above mentioned related issue. I am interested in opting for credit card from american express.
Kindly i hope so you shall call me at earliest.

Customer care male
Mr. Syed Ahmed Ashfaq CallsJun 03, 2014

Mr. Syed Ahmed Ashfaq On Phone To American Express Hyderabad Service
I try more times make a payment online, but more times show failer way.

Customer care user complaints