Bsnl Vizag Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of Bsnl Vizag is +91-891-255-4088 .
The BSNL in Vizag serves as one of the business divisions of the telecommunications company named as BSNL. The abbreviation BSNL stands for Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, an Indian based company that deals in the market of telecommunications. It is considered as one of the oldest Telecom providers that set up its footprints on 15 September 2000 and opened its door to the business world. Later, the company services were started on 1 October 2000. Initially, it limits its business to the Fixed line telephony services but later, as the company has seen its production, it has extended its services to Mobile Telephony, Internet Service, Digital Television and IPTV. Additionally, the company also engaged in providing other type of services such as Managed Services, Managed Global Audio Conferencing, Managed SaaS, Managed Network Services, MPLS VPN, Internet Leased Line, VSAT, VPN Services etc. Furthermore, the Audio and Video Conferencing facilities are also given by BSNL. It is recognized as the first telecom company which has launched its 3G facilities in all the states of India and some of them are named as Pathankot, Kapurthala, Bhatinda, Gurdaspur, Dehradun, Haldwani, Nainital, Nawashahr, Hoshiarpur and many others. The company owns its administrative office in New Delhi, India and has a workforce of nearly 244,891 employees. As per the data of January 2014, it has served its services to approximately 117 million people. The company is wholly owned and under the control of government of India. As of 2011-12, the generated Revenue is 279.33 billion Rs.

Bsnl Vizag Address

The address of Bsnl Vizag is Opposite Rythu bazar, MVP Double Road, MVP Colony, Sector 8, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh 530017, India Phone:.

Bsnl Vizag Email Address

The email address of Bsnl Vizag is

Bsnl Vizag Website

The Website of Bsnl Vizag is

Bsnl Vizag Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Bsnl Vizag is +91-891-255-4088 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Bsnl Vizag Service Center and Bsnl Vizag customer care number is given below. The helpline of Bsnl Vizag customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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Bsnl Vizag Customer Care Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Shasi Nair CallsDec 07, 2015

Mr. Shasi Nair On Phone To Bsnl Vizag Service
I am based in Mumbai and I am getting messages on my mobile saying that some number 0891-2719000 is unpaid. I regularly get this message on my mobile 7702059000. The above landline number Does not belong to me, so please stop sending me auto messages or disconnect the landline number The owner will come running to you.

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