Samsung Karnataka Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of Samsung Karnataka is 1-800-3000-8282, +91-80-4181-9999 .
The Samsung Electronics India Private Limited is a consumer electronics division of the Samsung Corporation, which is an industrial conglomerate. This company sells a broad range of consumer electronics, computers, electronic equipment, automotive tools, home appliances, smartphones, tablets, music devices, video devices, kitchenware, gaming devices, compact digital cameras, digital media products, digital storage products and many more. The company has its registered office in Gurgaon, India with a countrywide presence.

Samsung India History and Operations

Samsung Group has made its footprints in Indian markets in 1995 and works in a variety of fields. Samsung in India is the largest hub for the South Asia Regional activities. Globally, it owns 337 corporate branches, network of workforce that comprises of over two million people. The corporate functions of Samsung can be categorized into Digital media, Semiconductor, home appliances and telecoms devices.

Products and Services

The product portfolio of Samsung contains computers and accessories, mobiles and tablets as well as its accessories, media and entertainment products, home appliances, Mobile software, semiconductor chips, monitors, multimedia players, audiovisual equipment, PDA phones, hybrid devices, etc. In addition, it also delivers Wimax services, digital marketing, software support services, IT services, networking services, ERP services and more.

Samsung Karnataka Address

The address of Samsung Karnataka is 66/1, Bagmane Lakeview, Block-B, Bagmane Tech Park, CV Raman Nagar, Bangalore, India.

Samsung Karnataka Website

The Website of Samsung Karnataka is

Samsung Karnataka Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Samsung Karnataka is 1-800-3000-8282, +91-80-4181-9999 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Samsung Karnataka Service Center and Samsung Karnataka customer care number is given below. The helpline of Samsung Karnataka customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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