Tata Indicom Cdma Hyderabad Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of Tata Indicom Cdma Hyderabad is 040-66551010 / 079-66558888 .
Tata Teleservices Limited presently as well has an existence in the GSM space, VIA its joint venture with NTT DOCOMO of Japan. Tata Indicom is a Telecommunications company. This services provided by Tata indicom services and that is the part of Tata Teleservices which is further the part of Tata Group. It has head quarters in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Tata Teleservices provides Mobile telephony, broadband services, digital television services etc. Tata Indicom Prepaid Packages are the great when distinguished to other telecommunication corporation.

Corporate Office Contacts Of Tata Indicom Cdma Hyderabad

For support visit at the corporate office of Tata Indicom Cdma Hyderabad which is located at:

Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited
D 26, TTC Industrial Area,
Sanpada, Turbhe.
Navi Mumbai 400 703
Tel No: 91 22 6661 5445
Fax No: 91 22 6660 5516 / 5517

Registered office Address Of Tata Indicom Cdma Hyderabad

The address for registered office of Tata Indicom Cdma Hyderabad is given below:
Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited
Voltas Premises,
T.B. Kadam Marg, Chinchpokali,
Mumbai 400 033

Official Mailing Address Of Tata Indicom Cdma Hyderabad

To know regarding the services of Tata Indicom Cdma Hyderabad, customers can interact with the representatives directly at the below written address:
5-9-62, Khan Lateef Khan Estate,
Fateh Maidan Road,
Opposite Fateh Maidan Stadium,
Hyderabad, India.

Contact Details Of Tata Indicom Cdma Hyderabad

We are given the contact details of the officials so that customers can contact to the officials by the given contacts:
Andhra Pradesh
Telephone: 08414661010
Fax: 08414663339

Tel: 079-66558888
Fax: 9033002273

Tel: 0172-6651515
Fax: 0172-6651710

Himachal Pradesh
Tel: 0172-6651515
Fax: 0172-6651710

Tel: 080-66680000
Fax: 9036002273

Tel: 0484-6660500
Fax: 9037002273

Tel: 033-66662000
Fax: 033-66662028

Madhya Pradesh
Tel: 0755-6660609
Fax: 0755-6660444

Tel: 0141-6550101
Fax: 07737002273

Rest of Maharashtra
Tel: 9029012524
Fax: 022-67917777

Uttar Pradesh East
Tel: 0522-6550003
Fax: 9044002273

Uttar Pradesh West
Tel: 0121-6540008
Fax: 0121-6605502

Tata Indicom Cdma Hyderabad Address

The address of Tata Indicom Cdma Hyderabad is 5-9-62, Khan Lateef Khan Estate, Fateh Maidan Road, Opposite Fateh Maidan Stadium, Hyderabad, India.

Tata Indicom Cdma Hyderabad Website

The Website of Tata Indicom Cdma Hyderabad is www.tataindicom.com.

Tata Indicom Cdma Hyderabad Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Tata Indicom Cdma Hyderabad is 040-66551010 / 079-66558888 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Tata Indicom Cdma Hyderabad Service Center and Tata Indicom Cdma Hyderabad customer care number is given below. The helpline of Tata Indicom Cdma Hyderabad customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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Tata Indicom Cdma Hyderabad Phone Number Customer Service

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Tata Indicom Cdma Hyderabad Customer Care Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Chiranjeevi Bathineni CallsNov 09, 2013

Mr. Chiranjeevi Bathineni On Phone To Tata Indicom Cdma Hyderabad Service
I am B. Chiranjeevi,
I got missed my mobile along with TATA Indicom Simcard today.
what is the process to get the same number and same offer simcard.
I do not know exactly what proof i had submitted for Simcard,why because i had taken simcard longback.
please provide suggetions to me.

Customer care male
Mr. NIRDOSH GIRI CallsMay 23, 2013

Mr. NIRDOSH GIRI On Phone To Tata Indicom Cdma Hyderabad Service
TATA INDICOM CDMA.are not connecting to any system when i inserting to system.

This cdma brodband no.is 9246168136

If your trying to contact me please call to this no-9676245705

Customer care user complaints