ABM College Jamshedpur Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of ABM College Jamshedpur is +(91)-657-2340072 / 6455629 .
ABM College Jamshedpur is a prime education institute of state, that provide education to students without any discrimination of cast, creed, sex and religion. The college offers various courses to students under different faculties. The college offers education in the courses like science, humanities and information technology. ABM College Jamshedpur provide all the facilities to students like of counselling, that allows students to resolve personal and academic conflicts. The college has well mechanized structure in place that allows smooth conduct of academic activities. ABM College Jamshedpur runs all academic and non academic activities under the Kolhan University, West Singhbhum. The college provide easy access to education as admissions are open to any student belonging any region of country. ABM College Jamshedpur also provide various types of scholarship to deserving candidates under various grants provided by the authority.

Specifications Of ABM College Jamshedpur

ABM College Jamshedpur uses all the latest methods and technology to teach effectively. The college has well setup laboratories of various subjects to provide effective teaching to students. The college aimed to develop vocational skills among the students to prepare them to contribute towards society. ABM College Jamshedpur also organize many co-curricular activities that includes sports of all types and many other art and cultural activities. The college, has well maintained computer center to provide IT based education to students. ABM College Jamshedpur has employed dedicated staff to render services, the college has engaged subject specialized teachers with in depth knowledge of subjects.

Customer Care Contacts Of ABM College Jamshedpur

ABM College Jamshedpur has very vibrant information center that provide all information about the academic services. The college information cell encourages people to connect and gather all needed information. In order to connect with ABM College Jamshedpur do use below mentioned contacts:
Telephone Numbers: +(91)-657-2340072 / 6455629
Mobile Contact: +(91)-9334612662 / 9334240746

ABM College Jamshedpur Address

The address of ABM College Jamshedpur is P.O.- Golmuri, Jamshedpur- 831003, Jamshedpur.

ABM College Jamshedpur Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of ABM College Jamshedpur is +(91)-657-2340072 / 6455629 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of ABM College Jamshedpur Service Center and ABM College Jamshedpur customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of ABM College Jamshedpur customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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