ACB Hyderabad Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of ACB Hyderabad is (+91 40) 23251444 / 23559015 / 23559016 .
ACB Hyderabad is a government department of Hyderabad that is responsible and devoted to keep check and balance over the corruption issues of state. The Anti-Corruption Bureau, is authorized to investigate the corruption case against the accused and also trail the case in the court of justice. ACB Hyderabad has launched a task force team to keep close eye on corruption in various fields of life. The Bureau has well established network to render services smoothly. The center also provide offers services to assist people who wish to work against corruption. ACB Hyderabad is authorized top raid any office after the complaints of corruption and can also file cases against the government officials. The Bureau has engaged well knowledge and experience officers to render the services.

Key Contacts Of ACB Hyderabad

ACB Hyderabad encourage people to connect and report the cases of corruption. The center has setup various contact channels to render information, in order to connect with Bureau do contact on following numbers:
General Telephone: (+91 40) 23251444 / 23559015
Tollfree Number: 1064
Alternative Contact: 23559016
Cell phone Number: 9440446126

Branch Offices Of ACB Hyderabad

ACB Hyderabad strives hard to eradicate the curse of corruption from the community, thus has setup various offices to remain in access of common people. The Bureau offices register complaints for the people and take swift action upon the corruption cases. The contact details of branch offices of ACB Hyderabad are given below in the table:
08812 - 232017
OfficeContact NumbersMobile Call
Kurnool range08518 - 2200839440446178
Anantapur Range08554 -2741709440446181
Nellore Range0861 -23318339440446184
Tirupati Range08772 - 2202529440446190
Eluru Range9440446157
Vijayawada Range0866 - 24741409440446164

ACB Hyderabad Address

The address of ACB Hyderabad is Office of the Director General, Anti-Corruption Bureau, A.P., Headquaters Office, Road No.12, Banjara Hills, MLA Colony, Hyderabad -.

ACB Hyderabad Website

The Website of ACB Hyderabad is

ACB Hyderabad Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of ACB Hyderabad is (+91 40) 23251444 / 23559015 / 23559016 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of ACB Hyderabad Service Center and ACB Hyderabad customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of ACB Hyderabad customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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ACB Hyderabad Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. K. Saroja CallsSep 12, 2017

Ms. K. Saroja On Phone To ACB Hyderabad Service
Respected Sir, I bring to your kind notice that Mr Kakinada Rajendra Ravi Kumar, working as MVI at Gudiwada, Krishna district, earned disproportionate assets of nearly 20 crores with bribe money when he worked at Kathipudi check post for five years of duration. Some of the known assets are 1) 1000 sq yds commercial plot at Kakinada, four crores 2) 30 acres of land at Rajahmundry, 12 crores 3) flat and house at Rajahmundry 4) flat at Vijayawada 5) creta car, 18 lakhs 6) bolero jeep, ten lakhs 7) imported motor bike, eight lakhs His binomees are his father-in-law, brother-in-law and his two brothers. He is living luxuriously with bribe money in daily vehicle checkings which leads to the damage and loss of department as well as government, sir. With salary of rupees 60, 000-70, 000 per month, how is it possible such type of maintainance. I request you to kindly consider my complaint as positive and take necessary action against the corrupted officer. Thanking you, sir.

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