Adam Tandoori Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Adam Tandoori is 1360311715 / +44 1360 311573 .
Adam Tandoori is a Indian oriented restaurant based in Landon. The restaurant is known to serve delicious dishes to customers under various menus. The restaurant offers breakfast, lunch and dinner menu to customers. The restaurant also offers food items under takeaway menu loved by the customers. Adam Tandoori main dishes include Tandoori Starters, Pooris, Tandoori Mains, Korma Dishes and Connoisseurs Choice. Beside this restaurant offers Biryani Dishes, Vegetable Dishes, Rice and Bread. Adam Tandoori also offers pizzas of various flavors to customers. The restaurant deliver a munchy box that includes Donner meat, Chicken pakora, Mushroom pakora, Vegetable pakora, Chips and Chicken chaat.

Customer Care Contacts of Adam Tandoori

Adam Tandoori is a customer oriented restaurant and understands the value of customer relations, thus offer all assistance to customers. The restaurant has active customer support services. To connect with customer support do call on below given numbers:
Adam Tandoori Call: +44 1360 311573
Alternative Contact: 1360311715

Home Delivery Of Adam Tandoori

Adam Tandoori provide various recipes to customers not only at restaurant but also offer home delivery of desired food items. customers are empower to order food through phone or online. The restaurant has well maintained deliver services and assured deliver of food within the stipulated time. Adam Tandoori also allows customers to pay bills online and also offer cash on delivery services.

Adam Tandoori Address

The address of Adam Tandoori is 32 Main St, Lennoxtown, Glasgow G66 7JJ, United Kingdom.

Adam Tandoori Website

The Website of Adam Tandoori is

Adam Tandoori Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Adam Tandoori is 1360311715 / +44 1360 311573 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Adam Tandoori Service Center and Adam Tandoori customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Adam Tandoori customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Adam Tandoori Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Adam Tandoori. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Adam Tandoori will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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