Mr. James Johnson On Phone To Alcatel Phones Service
I have a alcatel A577VL phone, new at Christmas. Today the battery went dead. I recharged the battery, but the phone will not power up.
Ms. Christy Mullins On Phone To Alcatel Phones Service
My mother recently had head trauma and has lost some of her memory. She is unable to recall the Google account that was used to sync the phone to. Is there anyway to bypass this so that she can get back into her phone? Her husband passed away in November and it has pictures of them together on it. I would truly appreciate your help with this. It is an ac
Christy Mullins .
Mr. Mark Royle On Phone To Alcatel Phones Service
My Alcatel Onetouch has been working fine until two days ago when it would not unlock. Then it sent several texts too my contacts without my knowledge. Coincidentally perhaps, My mother received a call on the landline from Zest insurance quoting my mobile number. I called back and they advised me that it was no longer under warranty and offering me insurance. Was this a coincidence? Why has this company got my contact details? I bought this as a cheap phone for work from Carphone Warehouse. My mobile number is 07745571903.
Ms. Kelly Cady On Phone To Alcatel Phones Service
No mintues added for September. 734 486 6897 no mintues added to the phone number listed above.