American Greetings Ecards Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of American Greetings Ecards is 1-800-711-4474 .
American Greetings Ecards came into existence in the year 1906, headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio. The Company employs more than 27000 people, who are efficient and active in their work. American Greetings Ecards provide wide range of Ecards to the people on different occasions like friendship, get well soon, goodbye, love, best of luck, wedding, engagements, thank-you etc. American Greetings Ecards have been the best, affordable and biggest shopping center for cards on different occasions.

Uses Of American Greeting Ecards

American Greeting Ecards are used for Three great purposes as mentioned below:

1. Easy way of sending a message on important occasion or holiday: You can send custom American Greeting Ecards with the message to your friend or family on the day of any important occasion or on holidays.

2. Easy way of sending a gift card: You can send a gift card to your friend or family attached to the American Greeting Ecards.

3. Keeps in touch: American Greeting Ecards connects you anytime with the dear ones by sending a message on it to keep in touch.

To sign in or sing up for American Greetings Ecards account, visit the link mentioned below:

Social Networking Websites Of American Greetings Ecards

American Greetings Ecards operates account on social media websites of Facebook, Google, Twitter and Pinterest.

Google link for American Greetings Ecards

Twitter link for American Greetings Ecards

Facebook link for American Greetings Ecards

American Greetings Ecards Address

The address of American Greetings Ecards is Brooklyn, Ohio, United States.

American Greetings Ecards Email Address

The email address of American Greetings Ecards is

American Greetings Ecards Website

The Website of American Greetings Ecards is

American Greetings Ecards Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of American Greetings Ecards is 1-800-711-4474 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of American Greetings Ecards Service Center and American Greetings Ecards customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of American Greetings Ecards customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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No complaints and reviews so far for American Greetings Ecards.To add review or complaint against American Greetings Ecards Click Here.
We advise you to express your problem or complaint against American Greetings Ecards. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that American Greetings Ecards will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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