B and M Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of B and M is 0151 728 5400 .
B&M was initiated in 1978, B&M is leading retailer Company in UK. B&M's first store was at Blackpool, Lancashire, now B&M has 400 stores and 19,000 employees. B&M provides various variety of products like, baby products, Toddler, Gadgets, Electronic Toys, Board Games, Puzzles, Bikes, Scooters, Outdoor Toys, Craft and Design. B&M has more than 3 million customers. Some stores of B&M are located at England, Scotland, and northern Ireland. In 2014 B&M listed on the London stock exchange. B&M company owned a number of stores, and then converted into B&M Homestore format. B&M company achieved (KPMG) Employee Growth Award in 2009, B&M is specialties in Retail, big brands products. B&M sells a wide variety of top brands at lowest prices from Health and Beauty, toys, home wares, Food, Drinks, and many more.

Products of B&M are

Holiday Shop which includes Luggage, Travel
Accessories, Sun Care and Insect Repellent, Fun in the Sun
Holiday Health and Essentials, Holiday Beauty, Holiday Electricals, Kids Travelling Accessories, Picnic, etc.

Home and Living which includes Home Decor, Storage
and Shelving, Soft Furnishings, Bedding, Curtains, Candles , Holders, Lighting, Kitchen and Doormats, etc.

Electrical which includes Floorcare, Kettles, Toasters,Food Preparation, Microwaves, Irons, TV & Vision, TV Stands and Wall Mounts, Audio and Headphones, Mobile , Tablet and PC accessories, etc.

Retail Enquiries and Registered Office OF B&M

B&M Retail Ltd
The Vault Dakota
Drive Estuary
Commerce Park
SpekeLiverpool L24 8RJ
Main Fax: 0151 728 5401
Buying Fax: 0151 728 5402
Operations Fax: 0151 728 5403

Company Details for B&M Retail Limited

Registration No: 1357507
VAT Number: 673 583601
Company formed: 14 March 1978

Social Media Networking Pages Of B&M are

Twitter Page of B&M:

Facebook Page of B&M

B and M Address

The address of B and M is Blackpool, United Kingdom.

B and M Email Address

The email address of B and M is customerservices@bmstores.co.uk.

B and M Website

The Website of B and M is www.bmstores.co.uk.

B and M Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of B and M is 0151 728 5400 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of B and M Service Center and B and M customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of B and M customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against B and M. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that B and M will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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