Bank Muamalat Indonesia Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Bank Muamalat Indonesia is +62 (021) 251 1414/51 .
Bank Muamalat is an Indonesian commercial bank that is an Islamic bank based on the principles of Islamic banking. The bank's name 'Muamalat' came from 'fiqh' an expansion of the code of conduct (Sharia) expounded in the Quran and which expresses it as the laws that govern human relations. It is the first fully sharia bank in Indonesia. Bank Muamalat offers different type of banking services such as general banking, consumer banking, commercial banking, merchant banking, investment banking, loan services.

Bank Muamalat was established in the year 1991 with the efforts of Indonesian Council of Ulamas (MUI) and the Government of Indonesia. But it started offering banking products and services one year later in 1992. In just firts two years of business, the bank got the license to offer foreign exchange services in the country. The bank owns a large network of its branches and ATMs throughout the country and also offer its services through Online Post Office/SOPP. The bank also own its branches in Malaysia and offers its products and services on the principles of Bai’ which means Buy and Sell, Musyarakah which means Equity Sharing, Mudharabah that means Profit-Sharing, and Ijarah that means Rent.

Bank Muamalat had won many awards and earn recognitions from various organizations for the quality of services it offers to its customers. It was ranked as the Best Islamic Bank in Indonesia for the 2009 by the Islamic Finance News Kuala Lumpur.

Bank Muamalat Indonesia Address

The address of Bank Muamalat Indonesia is Building Arthaloka, Jl. Gen.. Sudirman Jakarta 10220 2 PO BOX 4931, Jakarta 10049, Indonesia.

Bank Muamalat Indonesia Website

The Website of Bank Muamalat Indonesia is

Bank Muamalat Indonesia Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Bank Muamalat Indonesia is +62 (021) 251 1414/51 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Bank Muamalat Indonesia Service Center and Bank Muamalat Indonesia customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Bank Muamalat Indonesia customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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