Ben and Jerrys Contact Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Ben and Jerrys Contact is 802-846-1500 .
Ben & Jerry's is an ICE cream company of the United States of America which comes under food processing industry. It was founded on May 5, 1978. The Founders of the company were Jerry Greenfield and Ben Cohen. The parent company of Ben and Jerry's is Unilever NV which is an Anglo-Dutch company. The headquarters of the company is situated in South Burlington, Vermont, United States and the main factory is located in Waterbury, Vermont.

The company is known as one of the leading premium ice cream brands and is owned by Ben & Jerry's Homemade Holding, Inc. The main products served by the company are ice cream, ice cream novelty products, frozen yogurt and sorbet. The owners of the company celebrated the first anniversary of their business as the first-ever free cone day, which presently has become an annual celebration internationally.

The packing of ice cream into pints was started by the company in 1981 and in the Next year only, the company had opened its first franchise in Shelburne, Vermont. The company introduced a new Greek Frozen Yogurt line in several flavors like Blueberry, Vanilla, Strawberry Shortcake, Banana Peanut Butter etc on February 24, 2012. some new flavors like Liz Lemon, Vanilla Honey Caramel etc were added to it during the next year.

For any other information regarding Ben & Jerry's, visit the official website of the company

Ben and Jerrys Contact Address

The address of Ben and Jerrys Contact is 30 Community Drive, South Burlington, VT 05403-6828.

Ben and Jerrys Contact Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ben and Jerrys Contact is 802-846-1500 (Click phone number to call).

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