Canadian Tire Coquitlam Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Canadian Tire Coquitlam is +1-604-527-8828 .
Canadian Tire Coquitlam is one of the retail stores of Canadian Tire Corporation Limited. Canadian Tire Corporation Limited operates its business under the name of Canadian Tire. Canadian Tire is a Nationwide company that is engaged in retailing of automotive, sports, leisure and home products, etc. According to 2013 session, the company employs with approximately 58,000 people. Canadian Tire Corporation had a total Revenue of $12.9 billion as of the survey conducted by the records of 2013. Canadian Tire Corporation has established more than 1,700 retail and gasoline outlets in several locations of the country that includes Ontario, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and others. The company provides its products at reasonable prices with high quality throughout the country. Besides this, the company also provides various types of maintenance services related to motor vehicles such as Brakes, Electrical, Steering & Suspension, Tires, Tune-up, Vital Fluids and much more. The company deals in several popular tools brands such as Adobe Basics, Aligncraft, Black & Decker, Blue Planet, Mastercraft, Yardworks, Motomaster, Broadstone and much more. In addition, the company online purchasing facility belonging to all kinds of products through official website.

Canadian Tire Corporation Limited History

Canadian Tire Corporation Limited started its business operations in the year 1922 through combined efforts of John William Billes and Alfred Jackson Billes. The administrative office of Canadian Tire Corporation is situated in Toronto, Ontario, Canada to regulate all kinds of business activities. The company was formed the first official associate store in the year 1934 in Hamilton, Ontario. The business divisions of Canadian Tire Corporation are: Mark's Work Wearhouse, Canadian Tire Retail, Canadian Tire Petroleum, PartSource Automotive stores, etc.

Canadian Tire Corporation's Customer service hours: Monday to Saturday: 08:00am-09:00am and Sunday: 09:00am–06:00pm.

Canadian Tire Coquitlam Address

The address of Canadian Tire Coquitlam is 1200 Seguin Dr, Coquitlam, British Columbia, V3K 6W8, Canada.

Canadian Tire Coquitlam Website

The Website of Canadian Tire Coquitlam is

Canadian Tire Coquitlam Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Canadian Tire Coquitlam is +1-604-527-8828 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Canadian Tire Coquitlam Service Center and Canadian Tire Coquitlam customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Canadian Tire Coquitlam customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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