Casio Exilim Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Casio Exilim is 1-800-706-2534, 1-800-435-7732, 1-800-836-8580 .
Casio Exilim is a most World influential and sophisticated digital Camera designed by Casio. The foundation of Casio Exilim manufacturing Company was laid in the year 2002 and since then the Company initiated to furnish the its services by endowing different styles and designs of Digital Cameras. The Casio Exilim Company is the sole producer of immense quantity of Cameras that the Company distributes to different Markets of the World. Casio Exilim Company has gained Global attention towards it by introducing high quality and dynamic digital Cameras.

The Company makes use of Best quality of Raw material to furnish Unique qualities of Digital Camera. Moreover, the main focus of the Company is to ensure the quality and durability of the products to retrieve larger customer gratification. Furthermore, the Company is not only famous for furnishing digital cameras but the Company also possess great skill to furnish other requisite electronic gadgets that comprises Watches, Video camera, games etc.

Casio Exilim Important Attributes

  • Casio Exilim is a most versatile and high quality digital camera that possess plenty of attributes and innovative functions that captures the attention of customers towards it.
  • Casio Exilim digital Camera possess digital Zoom that enables a user to enlarge a small picture to the greatest extent without effecting the original attributes of the picture and the camera comprise optical zoom as well.
  • Moreover, the Camera also has the potential to support High compressed H.264 video.
  • Casio Exilim cameras are also possess powerful SUPER LIFE-batter that enables a user to capture over four hundred photos without any complication.

Casio Exilim Address

The address of Casio Exilim is 141, Mcpherson street, Markham, Ontario, L3R 3L3, Canada.

Casio Exilim Email Address

The email address of Casio Exilim is

Casio Exilim Website

The Website of Casio Exilim is

Casio Exilim contact person

The contact person of Casio Exilim is na.

Casio Exilim Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Casio Exilim is 1-800-706-2534, 1-800-435-7732, 1-800-836-8580 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Casio Exilim Service Center and Casio Exilim customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Casio Exilim customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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