Ibm Ottawa Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Ibm Ottawa is +1 613-738-0016 .
The International Business Machines Corporation shortened as IBM is an international information technology services providing company based in the United States. It was initiated by Thomas J. Watson and Charles Ranlett Flint on June 16, 1911 in Endicott, New York in the United States. It is a publicly held company and was established as the “Computing Tabulating Recording Company” (CTR) by acquiring the International Time Recording Company, the Tabulating Machine Company and the Computing Scale Company. The company is engaged in providing Computer hardware, Computer software, IT consulting and IT services. The International Business Machines (IBM) Ottawa Software Lab is an outstanding research and development center responsible for providing innovative technical solutions. The Lab has employed nearly 300 professional and prominent developers and support staff to provide vital technologies and components to various software products such as WebSphere, DB2 and many more. The International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) has made various famous inventions such as Automated Teller Machine (ATM), the floppy disk, the Universal Product Code (UPC), the financial swap, the magnetic stripe card, the hard disk drive, DRAM, the relational database, Watson artificial intelligence and Sabre airline reservation system to serve millions of people around the globe. The company is one of the largest public corporations and has been cataloged in “Fortune” magazine as one of the leading firm in the United States in terms of number of employees. It has employed approximately 434,246 employees to provide an assured standard of Information Technology services. The International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) owns headquarters in Armonk, New York in the United States.

Ibm Ottawa Address

The address of Ibm Ottawa is 3755, Riverside Drive, Ottawa, ON K1V 1B7, Ontario, Canada.

Ibm Ottawa Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ibm Ottawa is +1 613-738-0016 (Click phone number to call).

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