Income Support Halifax Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Income Support Halifax is +44-844-474-2651 .
The Income Support service is a kind of Personal allowance (basic payment) and premiums (extra benefit) which is being offered by the Government of the United Kingdom. Its main task is to help the people having no or less income through no fault of their own. The income support office in Halifax is situated at 19 Horton Street, West Yorkshire. IT Works as a subsidiary of “Department for Work and Pensions” department for regulating its financial support program in the United Kingdom. The different kinds of Benefits like housing, medical needs, childcare, carers and Council Tax benefit and other are also regulated by Income Support. The people having no income, working for less than 6 hours or unemployed can apply for this service and an eligible candidate must register the following information : name, address, Social Security number, last date and day of work, contact number of the last employer, reason of leaving the job, income and citizenship status etc. in Department for Work and Pensions. Income Support benefit can be claimed by phone or post. The claimant receives one of the premiums benefits listed as family premium lone parent rate, disability premium and pensioner premium. The application processing schedule of the division is listed as : Monday to Friday : 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Income Support Halifax Address

The address of Income Support Halifax is 19 Horton Street, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX1 1QE, United Kingdom.

Income Support Halifax Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Income Support Halifax is +44-844-474-2651 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Income Support Halifax Service Center and Income Support Halifax customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Income Support Halifax customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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