Irs Des Moines Iowa Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Irs Des Moines Iowa is +1 (515) 564-6618 .
Iowa IRS refers to an International Revenue services which is a government agency responsible for collecting tax from people. It was founded on July 1,1862. The government organization is a division of the "Department of the Treasury" and work under the direction of Commissioner. The first office of income tax was assesses in the year of 1862 for increasing funds. It collects tax in several forms such as sales tax, income tax, property tax etc . The agency provides the tax assistance for tax payers that helps to reduce the tax fraud cases in the state. The Department of the Treasury works as a parent company of the IRS. It is the government agency which is liable to enforce and obligation the Internal Revenue services. The head office of an Internal Revenue Services is situated in Washington D.C. in the United States. Internal revenue services is divided in Three commissioner level organizations such as Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and Enforcement and Deputy Commissioner for Operations Support for increasing customer service and expand their collections. Currently the agency collects 2.4 trillion US Dollar every year from more than 234 million tax returns. It has more than 89,500 employees who work under the Internal Revenue services. The collected money is used for providing various services to the citizens. The Tax Office has many branches in several areas that assist taxpayers regarding the tax issues. The department provides online services for the customers regarding any information of taxes, online tax pay etc. Citizens can pay online their tax funds through using its official website. The collecting fund specially used for the welfare of the citizens in the United States.

Irs Des Moines Iowa Address

The address of Irs Des Moines Iowa is 210 Walnut Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, United States.

Irs Des Moines Iowa Website

The Website of Irs Des Moines Iowa is

Irs Des Moines Iowa Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Irs Des Moines Iowa is +1 (515) 564-6618 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Irs Des Moines Iowa Service Center and Irs Des Moines Iowa customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Irs Des Moines Iowa customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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