L J College of Computer Application Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of L J College of Computer Application is 07932992995 .

In L J College of Computer Application - Ahmedabad whether a student’s major is art, business, physics, library science. or materials science, few people would disagree that computer skills have become a universal requirement for virtually all students. Gujarat ranks high L J College of Computer Application - Ahmedabad in terms of prosperity, yet strangely enough concurrent development has not taken place in the state’s IT segment. While most states in South have surged ahead with massive development, Gujarat has lagged far behind. It has always been a very odd feature of Gujarat that IT has never been a priority, as it has with other states. There is a certain lack of inertia, which comes from a lack of availability of professionally trained persons in the State. L J College of Computer Application - Ahmedabad recognized this need and took up the challenge to meet the call of time and contribute its might to the cause of computer education and training.

L J College of Computer Application - Ahmedabad library is a beautiful and modern library well updated books, journals & multimedia learning aids, provides the student and opportunities to keep themselves well versed with related information. A library well stocked with all the necessary volumes is available at the student's disposal. It is the synthesis of theories with working knowledge, together avenues to exploit all the available resources; we can mould our students into thorough professionals, who would become the leaders of their profession.

The students continuously use the INTERNET for updating their database and to satisfy the quest for knowledge. Library facility of L J College of Computer Application - Ahmedabad has a first class Library supported with lots of Learning Resource. These provide a range of facilities, information and services to support your study needs. More than just books, there are multimedia resources such as CD ROMs, Videos, and DVDs. The Computer Lab of L J College of Computer Application - Ahmedabad is equipped with more than 100 Pentium IV IBM Computers with color monitor, multimedia facilities, scanner, and printers of all types. Computer Lab of College is designed to offer students access and exposure to the latest equipment in the field.

Sports facility at L J College of Computer Application - Ahmedabad has provided the facility of indoor and outdoor games to its students. Students have the facility of playing chess, carom, Chinese checker, badminton and table-tennis. Similarly, the college is also providing facility for some outdoor games like volley ball, kho-kho and football, cricket etc. L J College of Computer Application - Ahmedabad sports facilities as a student you can use the sports facilities and join in a range of activities. College Fitness Centre offers the finest equipment available today.

L J College of Computer Application Address

The address of L J College of Computer Application is Nr. Nagdev Kalyan Mandir, Nr. Sanand Cross Roads, Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Highway, Village Okaf, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

L J College of Computer Application Email Address

The email address of L J College of Computer Application is ljmca@ljinstitutes.org.

L J College of Computer Application Website

The Website of L J College of Computer Application is www.ljinstitutes.org.

L J College of Computer Application Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of L J College of Computer Application is 07932992995 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of L J College of Computer Application Service Center and L J College of Computer Application customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of L J College of Computer Application customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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