Lee Valley Tools Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Lee Valley Tools is 1-800-267-8767, 1-800-267-8761 .
Lee Valley Tools Limited is a privately owned manufacturing company of woodworking and gardening tools. It was incorporated in 1978. The company produces a broad line of woodworking and gardening tools including hammers, power tool accessories, cable ties, firewood gripper, knives, adhesives, pergola brackets, wheels and casters, handles, screwdrivers, and cedar cold frames. Apart from this, it also makes and sells mechanical water timers, flow meters, drills, sanders and much more.

Outlets/Stores of Lee Valley Tools

Lee Valley Tools has a large network of stores which are located in Edmonton, Ottawa, Halifax, Toronto, Calgary, Victoria, Vancouver, Winnipeg, etc. Lee Valley Tools is one of the leading tool suppliers in Canada. On the other hand, the woodworking and gardening tools manufacturing company is also associated with its one unit, i.e. 'Veritas Tools Incorporation', which is known for the production of woodworking hand-tools like hand planes, marking gauges, measuring tools, sharpening systems, router tables, etc.

Corporate Office Address of Lee Valley Tools Limited:

The corporate office of Lee Valley Tools Limited is placed at P.O. Box 6295, Station J, Ontario K2A 1T4, Canada. The entire process of the company is commanded under the corporate office.

Customer Service Link of Lee Valley Tools Limited:

The whole contact information and additional services of Lee Valley Tools Limited is available at above mentioned link. The additional services are Order Information, Shipping and Returns, Account Information, Catalog and E-mail Sign-up, Gift Information, etc.

Customer Service Number of Lee Valley Tools Limited:

For the convenience of customers, the company provides above mentioned number for question, a comment or a concern about the company's products and services. For the customers, the number is available from Monday to Friday 07:00am to 07:00pm and on Saturday - 09:00am to 05:00pm EST.

Official Email-ID of Lee Valley Tools Limited:

Apart from customer service number, the inquirer can also go with official email id of Lee Valley Tools Limited, i.e.

Official Universal Resource Locator of Lee Valley Tools Limited:

The customer can get whole information about Lee Valley Tools Limited through its wholly-owned or official universal resource locator, i.e.

Stores/Outlets Locator Link of Lee Valley Tools Limited:

Through this Link, the customer can easily find the stores/outlets of Lee Valley Tools Limited along-with telephone number and address.

Account Information Link of Lee Valley Tools Limited:

This link is made for those customers, who purchases products VIA its own website after login their account. In addition to this, the link is also useful for the know the status of customer's current and past orders online

Lee Valley Tools Limited is Social Networking Platform:

Facebook Page of Lee Valley Tools Limited
Lee Valley Tools Limited on Linkedin
Lee Valley Tools Limited on Pinterest
Lee Valley Tools Limited on Tumblr
Lee Valley Tools Limited on Google Plus

Lee Valley Tools Address

The address of Lee Valley Tools is Lee Valley Tools Ltd., P.O. Box 6295, Station J, Ontario K2A 1T4, Canada.

Lee Valley Tools Email Address

The email address of Lee Valley Tools is customerservice@leevalley.com.

Lee Valley Tools Website

The Website of Lee Valley Tools is www.leevalley.com.

Lee Valley Tools Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lee Valley Tools is 1-800-267-8767, 1-800-267-8761 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lee Valley Tools Service Center and Lee Valley Tools customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Lee Valley Tools customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Lee Valley Tools. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Lee Valley Tools will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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