Lincoln Benefit Life Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Lincoln Benefit Life is 800-525-9287 .
In July 2013 Lincoln Benefit Life get separated from the Allstate Life Insurance Company with almost six hundred dollars. Lincoln Benefit Life is also known by its previous name Resolution Life. In Nebraska Department of Insurance, the Lincoln Benefit Life contained Three hundred and fifty thousand policy agents and thirteen billion policy assets. Lincoln Benefit Life made a Transitional Agreement between the Resolution Life and All State Life Insurance in which all the services are provided to the policy holders for the Next decision. Lincoln Benefit Life assured their policy holders for the safe and clean services. There will be no change in their contact numbers, address or any other. Lincoln Benefit Life informs their Brokers that the service will remain same during the transitional period of the company. The Lincoln Benefit Life will fill all the needs of their clients through Nebraska Department of Insurance. The Current Account holders of the selling agencies and their associations will be served as before. The offices of the Lincoln Benefit Life company will be same in Chicago, IL, Lincoln, and Stamford.
The contact numbers of the Lincoln Benefit Life company are mentioned below
1. General Builders: 800-643-8190
2. Long Term Policy Holders: 888-503-8110
3. Variable Annuity Service: 800-457-7617

The customers can apply for their career on the mentioned link

The social media networking link of the Lincoln Benefit Life

Lincoln Benefit Life on Facebook link

Lincoln Benefit Life Address

The address of Lincoln Benefit Life is 5600 N River Road Suite 300 Columbia Centre I Rosemont, Illinois 60018.

Lincoln Benefit Life Email Address

The email address of Lincoln Benefit Life is

Lincoln Benefit Life Website

The Website of Lincoln Benefit Life is

Lincoln Benefit Life contact person

The contact person of Lincoln Benefit Life is na.

Lincoln Benefit Life Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lincoln Benefit Life is 800-525-9287 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lincoln Benefit Life Service Center and Lincoln Benefit Life customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Lincoln Benefit Life customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Lincoln Benefit Life. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Lincoln Benefit Life will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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