Linden Labs Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Linden Labs is +1 800-294-1067 / 703-286-6277 .
Linden Lab is an Internet company that was setup in 1999 and is based in San Francisco, California, United States. The company develops software and 3D virtual world solutions includes Second Life, Blacksworld, Desura, Creatorverse, Versu and Dio. It is the best known for Second Life. It has branch offices in Massachusetts, Virginia Washington and California. Linden Labs is the leading developer of digital entertainment. Its 3D virtual world solutions allows users to socialize with friends and enjoy playing games. Linden Labs refers to as Linden Research, Inc.

Career Under Linden Labs

Linden Labs being one of the rapidly progressing company in the field of software engineering offers best job opportunity options to the job seeker including engineers, artists and makers. The senior and junior combination under one roof expresses something unique as the fundamental factors are being followed by all of them with full zeal and enthusiasm. Linden Labshas main concern with three C's consisting of creations, customers and coworkers.

Basic Doctrines Of Linden Labs

The Basic Doctrines of the above mentioned company are said to be bedrock of company's development and sustainability for instance:
  • Modernization: is core of our business values, the team is given the freedom to take informed, responsible risks.
  • Open-mindedness: The Company supports each and every coworker to share ideas and feedback openly thereby building strong relationships built on Trust and Faith.
  • Sicerity: the company has strong belief in doing the right thing under all circumstances.

Billing Department Contact Details Of Linden Labs

For Information about billing service, clients can contact through the given contacts:
Toll Free Number: 800-294-1067
Toll Free Number: 703-286-6277

Media Contact Of Linden Labs

Press holders of Linden Labs can contact to the officials for media Inquiries through the given mailing address:

Sales Contact Of Linden Labs
Customers who want to know about the sales inquiries of Linden Labs can connect to the officials by the given contact:

Further Contact Details Of Linden Labs

To know more about Linden Labs, customers can contact to the experts through different ways like phone or mail. We are given the contact details of Linden Labs by which customers can contact to the officials.
Telephone: +1(415)243-9000
Fax: 415.243.9045

Linden Labs Address

The address of Linden Labs is 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111, United States.

Linden Labs Email Address

The email address of Linden Labs is

Linden Labs Website

The Website of Linden Labs is

Linden Labs contact person

The contact person of Linden Labs is na.

Linden Labs Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Linden Labs is +1 800-294-1067 / 703-286-6277 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Linden Labs Service Center and Linden Labs customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Linden Labs customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Linden Labs Phone Number Customer Service

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Linden Labs Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Rikkee54 CallsJun 12, 2017

Ms. Rikkee54 On Phone To Linden Labs Service
My name on second life is Rikkee54 . My problem started when you did the update on firestorm, I have lost many things in folders. When I came Saturday 6/10/2017 and found I had all empty folders.
I have spent a lot of money on things that I make for my shop, textures etc. Please tell me how to fix this I have over ten thousand lindens invested in all my things
thank you Rikkee54 .

Customer care female
Ms. Paula Moltke CallsOct 02, 2017

Ms. Paula Moltke On Phone To Linden Labs Service
My user name and password has been deleted after update was done. I need help resetting the email and password, my username is paulina47.

Customer care user complaints