London Midland Contact Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of London Midland Contact is 0121 634 2040, 0844 811 0133 .
London Midland is a private transportation, train company of the United Kingdom. It was founded in 2007. The parent company of London Midland is Govia. The headquarters of the company is situated in Birmingham.

The main regions where the train services of the company are provided are Liverpool in the north-west, London in the south and Birmingham in the Midlands. There are approximately 146 stations which are operated by the company. The total count of the passengers served by the company in a year is more than 60 million. The per day services operated by the company are about 1,300. Some of the other destinations served by the company are London Euston to Northamptonshire, Hertfordsher, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamsher.

There are number of awards won by the London Midland for its services such as four times Rail Business Award for marketing, Three times Railstaff Award for Outstanding Customer Service, Best Local Transport Integration, five times Golden Spanner Award for Engineering, four times Rail Business Award for marketing, public relations and customer information. It was in the year 2012 that European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) had awarded the company with Five Star award and the Next year only, it had won the Investor in People Silver Award.

For more details or query related information about London Midland, log on to its official website that is

London Midland Contact Address

The address of London Midland Contact is 102 New Street, Birmingham, United States.

London Midland Contact Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of London Midland Contact is 0121 634 2040, 0844 811 0133 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of London Midland Contact Service Center and London Midland Contact customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of London Midland Contact customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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