Teleflora USA Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Teleflora USA is 800-835-3356 / 310-966-8644 .
Teleflora is a floral wire service company. The company was organized in 1934. The corporation is having central office in Los Angeles, California, United States of America. Floral wire services, also known as a flower relay service. The company offers proprietary networks, clearing house services and operates as affiliate marketing schemes. The first floral wire service, established by a group of 15 US florists. The corporation established in 1910. It has 19,000 members in florists throughout the United States and Canada. This corporation is United States largest corporation. It is the largest floral wire service company in the world. LLC is formally known as Telegraph Delivery Service and was founded in 1934 by Edwin S. Douglas. The company provides all types of flowers, such as low cost and high cost.

Mission Of Teleflora USA

The mission of Teleflora USA is providing full guidance to people so that they celebrate occasions and send smiles with the support of beautiful, attractive flowers.

Careers At Teleflora USA

Teleflora USA offers many career opportunities to the dedicated and talented candidates. Teleflora USA offers best salary package to their employees. Applicants who are interested to become a part of this organization can check the details about the current vacancies by visiting at this site:

    Official Mailing Address Of Teleflora USA

    Consumers who want to communicate with the representatives, for any kind of query regarding Teleflora USA can visit at this address:
    Post Box 60910 Los Angeles,
    California, USA

    General Information Contact Of Teleflora USA

    For general queries regarding Teleflora USA, contact to the officials by using the given contact:
    Telephone: 800-493-5610

    Media Contacts Of Teleflora USA

    For media information, press holders can communicate to the officials of Teleflora USA by phone or mail. We are given the media contacts which is written below:
    Erin Shiba
    Telephone: 310-966-8644

    Order Contact Of Teleflora USA

    For order, Customers can contact to the officials of Teleflora USA by calling on the given number:
    Telephone: 800-835-3356

    Teleflora USA Address

    The address of Teleflora USA is Post Box 60910 Los Angeles, California, USA.

    Teleflora USA Website

    The Website of Teleflora USA is

    Teleflora USA Customer Support Service Phone Number

    The customer support phone number of Teleflora USA is 800-835-3356 / 310-966-8644 (Click phone number to call).

    The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Teleflora USA Service Center and Teleflora USA customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Teleflora USA customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

    Click Here To View Teleflora USA Customer Service Phone Numbers

    Teleflora USA Phone Number Customer Service

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Teleflora USA Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Carmen Curti CallsMay 05, 2013

Carmen Curti On Phone To Teleflora USA Service
I recently placed an order for my sister on her birthday and the woman who placed it never did. I was ordering these flowers through my fingerhut account. it took me over a half an hour because I was placed on hold and she was going to email me a confirmation number because she refused to give it to me over the phone. the next day no confirmation number and when I called the same person who refused to give me her name could not find the order that she placed. here is there
number 1-800-822-3097 supervisor is Amanda
and please contact me at

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