Time Warner Cable Wisconsin Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Time Warner Cable Wisconsin is +1-414-369-3553, +1-866-336-5608 .
Warner Cable was founded in 1989 which was later known with the name Time Warner Cable since 1990. It is the America's second largest cable telecommunication company with its headquarters in New York city. The company has became an independent company in the year 2009, after getting owned by different owners like Warner Communications (1989-1990), Time Warner (1990-2003) and AOL Time Warner (2003-2009).

Wide range of products are being offered by the company like digital cable services, broadband internet services, Mobile telephony services, fixed line services, cable advertising, local news channels such as Tim Warner Cable News and Regional sports network like Metro Sports, TWCS, TWCSN, Twc Sports 32, SYN. The company serves in nearly 30 different states of the United States some of them are New York, New Mexico, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia etc.

It was in the year 2009, when the company became the fifth-largest land-line phone provider in America. In the year 2011, Time Warner Cable purchased a company, providing cloud and hosting services which was known as Navisite. In the year 2007 Time Warner Cable, signed a naming right deal for 10-years with a minor league baseball team but was ended in 2013 with the mutual agreement of Time Warner Cable and the team. In the year 2008 it signed a naming right deal to name an arena after company's name which was named as Time Warner Cable Arena, located in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The company offers its services to resident and commercial customers living throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico.

Time Warner Cable Wisconsin Address

The address of Time Warner Cable Wisconsin is 2323 N Drive, Martin Luther King, 1, Milwaukee, WI-53212, Wisconsin, United States.

Time Warner Cable Wisconsin Website

The Website of Time Warner Cable Wisconsin is www.timewarnercable.com.

Time Warner Cable Wisconsin Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Time Warner Cable Wisconsin is +1-414-369-3553, +1-866-336-5608 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Time Warner Cable Wisconsin Service Center and Time Warner Cable Wisconsin customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Time Warner Cable Wisconsin customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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