U Verse Cable Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of U Verse Cable is 800.288.2020 .
U Verse Cable is one of the service, offered by AT&T telecommunication company in the United States. The Company offers Digital TV service under the name of U Verse Cable. The Service enables the users to enjoy the television in their personalized way. The Subscribers can connect the world with more entertainment way. Addition to Digital Television, the U Verse Cable subscribers can also enjoy fast internet and voice service. AT&T Telecommunication company provide the service through the fiber optics network. The Service also helps the customers in enjoying innovative services at low cost. U Verse Cable also enables the subscribers to enjoy and control all Three services through the DVR. They can handle their phone with the television.

AT&T, the Provider of U Verse Cable Service in The United States

AT&T is one of the leading telecommunication companies in the United States. The industry has established the headquarters in Dallas, Texas. It is ranked 23rd largest company throughout the world in terms of total Revenue generation. The Company is publicly traded on New York Stock Exchange and is also a part of S&P 500 index. AT&T Telecommunication company has started the operations on 5th of October 1983. The Company provides Mobile service, telephone service and internet services throughout the country. The Company serves the customers through the workforce of over 243,620 employees. AT&T Telecommunication company operates seven child companies including AT&T Mobility, Southwestern Bell and Cricket Wireless.

Availability of U Verse Cable on Social Media Websites

U Verse Cable subscribers can also follow the company on the Social Media Websites. AT&T provides all the latest information about U Verse Cable on the official accounts on social networking websites.

U Verse Cable Presence on Facebook:

U Verse Cable Presence on Twitter:

U Verse Cable Presence on YouTube Channel:

U Verse Cable Customer Service Hours:
Monday through Friday: 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Saturdays: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Local time

U Verse Cable Address

The address of U Verse Cable is 208 South Akard Street, Dallas, Taxes 75202, United States.

U Verse Cable Website

The Website of U Verse Cable is www.att.com.

U Verse Cable Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of U Verse Cable is 800.288.2020 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of U Verse Cable Service Center and U Verse Cable customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of U Verse Cable customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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