Acer USA Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of Acer USA is +1-408-533-7700, 1800-910-2237 .
Acer is global brand of computer hardware and electronics marketed by the Acer Inc., It is a public Limited company that provides a wide range of products including laptops, smartphones, storage devices, televisions, netbooks, Mobile phones, tablet computers, servers, video projectors, monitors and desktops, etc. The company was introduced in the year of 1976 by Stan Shih et al. In the United States, Acer exists through its wholly owned subsidiary Acer America Corporation. It provides computer accessories, upgrades, and extended warranties; and workstations for designers, engineers, and research professionals in the United States. Apart from this, the company's workstations support several applications for professional use in various industries ranging from sciences and manufacturing to Energy and media. Acer America Corporation provides its wide range of products through online store.

Acer USA Customer Service Office Location:

Acer USA is one of the registered locations of Acer Inc., which is located at given address; Acer America Corporation, 333 West San Carlos Street, Suite 1500, San Jose, CA 95110, United States.

Acer USA Customer Service Numbers:

+1-408-533-7700, 1800-910-2237
If customer have any complaint and suggestion, they can contact at Acer USA through above given numbers.

Acer USA Fax Numbers:

+1-408-533-4555, +1-408-533-4574

Useful Links of Acer USA

To find Acer Store nearest you, customer can visit at following page link;

Acer USA Website:, is an official website of Acer USA that gives complete detail about Acer products, services and support.

Social Media Links to Follow Acer USA:

Customer can also follow Acer USA through various social media links such as;

Acer USA Facebook Link

Acer USA Twitter Link

Acer USA YouTube Link

Acer USA Google+ Link

Acer USA Address

The address of Acer USA is Acer America Corporation, 333 West San Carlos Street, Suite 1500, San Jose, CA 95110, United States.

Acer USA Website

The Website of Acer USA is

Acer USA Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Acer USA is +1-408-533-7700, 1800-910-2237 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Acer USA Service Center and Acer USA customer care number is given below. The helpline of Acer USA customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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Acer USA Phone Number Customer Service

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Acer USA Customer Care Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. doug CallsJun 18, 2013

Mr. doug On Phone To Acer USA Service
I have spent a week following your incompetent computer repair system structure, if you can call it that! I cant get a human being.
I have tried your 3rd party repair companies and have even tried to buy a replacement screen for my aspire ultrabook aspire s3-95-6464. No "ACER PARTS DISTRIBUToR" has the screen. Your 3rd party repair place, "systems by"can not guarantee having the screen-what a joke. I offered to fedex my laptop there, but they do not know if they have the screen in stock, telling me there is are moere han one type screen for this specific laptp-what a joke.

Customer care male

I use an Acer aspire one D257 laptop. I had a reason to remove the BIOS password I had set before. After filling the old password, I left the space for new password blank and just pressed ENTER, but upon shutting down and rebooting, the system was still requesting password. Any three unsuccessful attempts, system halts. Could you please help me with a reset password?

Customer care user complaints