Ms. T On Phone To Catalog Favorites Service
T o: CaT alogFavoriT
I’ve received your caT alog and found several iT ems I liked T hen noT iced page 12, 40, 41 and 52. MosT imporT anT ly 12 and 40. Page 12 sells a counT down clock for PresidenT T rump referring T o him as T rump and noT PresidenT T rump. T he T -shirT of Obama refers T o him as presidenT Obama. I see T his a loT in lefT leaning news. Page 40 sells whaT looks like a voodoo doll of PresidenT T rump (T he PresidenT DammiT Doll) wiT h a poem advocaT ing violence on a siT T ing presidenT - “jusT grab T he legs and find a place T o slam iT ”. Wow, I was so shocked. T his is unconscionable. I’m sure you’ve angered several supporT ers, buT will probably noT hear from T hem. People on T he righT T end noT T o be violenT like T he lefT . You have proven yourself a lefT isT caT alog. I will spread T he word abouT your company. You are disrespecT ful and prejudice. Have you done T he same T o Obama’s caricaT ure? Highly disappoinT ed in your company.
Ms. Jacqueline Labrie On Phone To Catalog Favorites Service
Every month 14. 95 is deducted from my account for PGI Favorites. I have no idea what this is for and do not want it. Please stop or i will call who ever I need to. NEWS STATIONS, ATTORNEY GENERALS OFFICE ETC.