Csn Stores Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Csn Stores is +1(877)-929-3247 .
CSN Stores, presently known as Wayfair LLC is a privately held multinational e-retailer of a wide range of merchandise such as housewares, appliances and toys etc. Its is located in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. Founded by two bachelorate holders of Cornell University, Steve Conine and Niraj Shah, the company began its journey in August 2002 and was named as CSN Stores. The company began trading goods on racksandstands.com. Later on, in 2003 the company expanded its product line to include furniture for offices, kitchen etc. In 2009, the company opened its branches in countries such as Germany and Australia. Towards 2011, all the company operated CSN stores were organized under the brand name of Wayfair LLC and commenced Wayfair.com on September 1, 2011. The company took possession over an American based modern house decor company named as DwellStudio. Today, Wayfair LLC is considered as one of the largest online company that specializes in the sale of household goods.

Wayfair LLC offers collection of goods such as tables, bedsheets, bathroom accessories, lightening equipment like lamps, appliances like grinders, juicers, jewelry accessories, tourism luggages etc. Additionally, the e commerce platform also deals in chairs, beds etc for infants, kids. Apart from this, the company also trades in outdoor equipment listed as Grills, gardening kits etc.

Wayfair LLC was positioned on the rank of 19 on the Glassdoor.Com's rating of 50 best places to work at the Employee's Choice Award in 2012. In 2013, the company featured in the Forbes Magazine list of America’s Most Promising Companies.

The company has storage depositories and several branch offices that are located in Germany, Ireland, Australia, United Kingdom, United States. As per statistics, Wayfair LLC generated revenues of worth $1 billion in 2013.

Csn Stores Address

The address of Csn Stores is 177 Huntington Avenue, Suite 6000, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, United States.

Csn Stores Website

The Website of Csn Stores is www.wayfair.com.

Csn Stores Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Csn Stores is +1(877)-929-3247 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Csn Stores Service Center and Csn Stores customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Csn Stores customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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