Disha School of Management Education Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Disha School of Management Education is 0774200101, 0774200109 .

Disha School of Management Education - DSME Raipur is being started with intent to impart quality in the field of education and equip young people with knowledge and skills which would help them, make meaningful contribution of global corporation DSME focuses on Management education more than just business management. The commitment is through leadership with a deep understanding of business. The approach to pedagogy combines fieldwork, case studies and instrumented feedback with a strong emphasis on concepts and theory. The intent is to encourage intellectual curiosity and open minds to the adventure of ideas. DSME allows you to regularly interact with diverse disciplines that shape multi-talented leadership potential in you holistically.

Disha School of Management Education - DSME Raipur offers academic programmes at Post Graduate levels. The Post Graduate Program (MBA), the flagship programme of DSME, is a full time programme to be launched in 2008, with a unique mix of specializations specially designed to address the changing needs of the Indian industry, in our pursuit to match the corporate expectations.

Disha School of Management Education - DSME Raipur is situated at Satya Vihar Vidhansabha- Chandrakhuri Marg, Distt. Raipur (C.G.). Disha School of Management Education - DSME Raipur has an excellent infrastructure and modern facilities, which assists in conducting the various academic programmes. With a substantial addition in its infrastructure, the institute provides access to state-of-th-art facilities that allows high degree of interactivity both within and outside campus.

The latest Hi Tech Digital Library at Disha School of Management Education - DSME Raipur includes dual display systems, a special leased line access to over 50,000 journals, books, articles, special note acquiring devices and a Library Management System that again falls back to our system of using Smart Technology as a bedrock. Disha School of Management Education - DSME Raipur library is patterned in such a way that students can gain both a thorough knowledge or a synopsis of the same, with complete visual effects. Amphitheatre is located at the centre of the institute building which can accommodate around 1500 students at a time. Most of the Events of the institute viz Republic day celebration, Independence Day Celebration, Intersociety competition, Founder’s day celebration, etc are being organized in the amphitheatre.

State-of-the-art security and surveillance systems allow us to maintain a constant watchful eye over the entire campus. Disha School of Management Education - DSME Raipur digital color cameras provide un-breakable security. Our advanced network transmissions and a 24 hour video recording system helps us to maintain an eagle eye on all security issues- as a means of providing enhanced security. Disha School of Management Education - DSME Raipur campus is SMART technology enabled, allowing students to use specially given cards for attendance, access to campus facilities, interact and transact at the library, laboratories, canteen, examination halls and other mandatory usage areas. The usage of these cards has also eliminated the need for carrying cash inside the campus; as everything is possible through these individualized Smart Cards.

The beautiful piece of architecture can be seen in the first floor of Bhagirathi Bhawan of the campus. “ the Seminar Hall” is being used for the purpose of “CEO Lecture Series”, Speech by Industrialists, Stage shows & Dramas, for watching movies which inspires students and gives them the idea to put theory into practice. Disha School of Management Education - DSME Raipur Seminar Hall is equipped with latest state of the art. Dolby sound 5.1 surround sound Movie Projecter Drama Sound System Drop Down Screen &High End Cameras.

Disha School of Management Education Address

The address of Disha School of Management Education is Satya Vihar Vidhansabha- Chandrakhuri Marg, Distt. Raipur (C.G.).

Disha School of Management Education Email Address

The email address of Disha School of Management Education is

Disha School of Management Education Website

The Website of Disha School of Management Education is

Disha School of Management Education Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Disha School of Management Education is 0774200101, 0774200109 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Disha School of Management Education Service Center and Disha School of Management Education customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Disha School of Management Education customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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