Equis Hamilton Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Equis Hamilton is 01698 282494 .
Equi's is a Scottish ICE cream restaurant which was opened in year 1915. As far as the history of restaurant is concerned, the restaurant was started by Pietro Equi and Dante and set up Very first store of chips in 1922. Later the menu of restaurant filled with various ice cream, pasta and fast food items etc. The list of items which are served in Equi's restaurant are Viva vanilla, Chip off the old mint choc, Sophie's crunch, Heavenly chocolate, Strawberry feels forever, Rasberry ripple, Tabletissimo, Dime Bar crunch, Prosecco and passion fruit sorbet, Irn Bru sorbet, Raisins to be cheerful, Toffee fudge, Raspberry cranachan, Zesty lemon sorbet, Mango tango, Caramel shortcake, Strawberry cheesecake and Nutella etc. The recipe of all ice creams are based on the tradition of Scottish and Italian cuisines. People visit restaurant not only for ice creams but also it connects with the rich culture and tradition of Scotland. The restaurant operates its stores in all across the United Kingdom and other neighboring countries. All the items are made from fresh milk products such as cream, yogurt and others in the restaurant. The ice cream cart is available for any kind of occasion such as parties, birthdays, school shows and other. The cart can feed more than 700 people in one day. The restaurant also operates its special service for Weddings and started a ice cream Cart. In this the menu consists of all kinds of items which are available in restaurant. People can select from the menu or just choose various ice cream flavor to customize the item.

Equis Hamilton Address

The address of Equis Hamilton is Peter Equi & Sons Ltd, 9-11 Burnbank Road, Hamilton ML3 9AA, United Kingdom.

Equis Hamilton Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Equis Hamilton is 01698 282494 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Equis Hamilton Service Center and Equis Hamilton customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Equis Hamilton customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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