Government Law College Thiruvananthapuram Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Government Law College Thiruvananthapuram is 04712304228 .

The Government Law College - Thiruvananthapuram is an institution for legal education, established in 1875, in Kerala. Government Law College - Thiruvananthapuram is located in Thiruvananthapuram city and is affiliated to the University of Kerala.

The library of Government Law College - Thiruvananthapuram subscribes to 43 foreign Journals, over 400 Indian periodicals, 35 popular magazines and 20 Newspapers. The total number of membership of the library is over 30, 800 out of which student memberships comes to over 12, 270 and that of teachers comes to 2850.The library has now installed computer system for a LAN & CD-ROM network. A microfilm reader printer and a rare collection of journals in microfilm are available here. The Library has CD-ROM on many subjects. Internet facility is offered at slashed rates. OPAC facility also available.

The Government Law College - Thiruvananthapuram is regarded as one of the most prestigious and oldest institutions in the country, distributing legal education since 1875. The 2-year LLM course specializes in International Law and Constitutional Law. The Government Law College - Thiruvananthapuram is affiliated to the University of Kerala which is one of the fast growing universities of India. The college offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses to the aspirants in order to establish a well set career.

The Government Law College - Thiruvananthapuram is spread over a sprawling area which provides eco friendly environment to its students and staffs. The Government Law College - Thiruvananthapuram has a Centenary hostel for Men and also offers well stocked library, computer labs and internet connections all over the campus.

The well known judicial firms of India has been taking most of the candidates from this law college in order to provide job facilities to its students. The Government Law College - Thiruvananthapuram provides excellent training to its students in order to face the modern era. The Government Law College - Thiruvananthapuram offers world class faculty members for the various courses. The courses which lead the students to their main goal are L.L.B, L.L.M.

Government Law College Thiruvananthapuram Address

The address of Government Law College Thiruvananthapuram is Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.

Government Law College Thiruvananthapuram Website

The Website of Government Law College Thiruvananthapuram is

Government Law College Thiruvananthapuram Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Government Law College Thiruvananthapuram is 04712304228 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Government Law College Thiruvananthapuram Service Center and Government Law College Thiruvananthapuram customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Government Law College Thiruvananthapuram customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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