Haier Led TV Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Haier Led TV is 1800-102-9999 .
Haier Led TV is one of the product manufactured & sells by Haier Group, a Chinese multinational electronics & home appliance industry. Apart from these entertaining products the Haier industry also deals with designing, manufacturing & selling products like air conditioners, Mobile phones, microwave oven, refrigerators & computers. Haier industry had world’s best shares in white goods in the year 2014. As of 2014 records, Revenue of industry was US$ 32.8 billion whereas net income of the Haier industry in the same year was US$ 2.45 billion. Appropriately, 70,000 employees are working with the industry around the world. The Haier industry offers LED, LCD, HD TV & 3D LED in many different sizes and different shapes such as 19” 32”, 39” 40”, 45”, 50”, 55” & 65”.

Key Features of Haier Led TV

  • Skype Camera
  • Android 4.2 System
  • Wi Fi Connectivity
  • High Definition
  • No - Flicker 3D
  • USB Connectors

Contact Us link of Haier India

Through this link, the user/customer can contact with customer support representative for general queries, grievance and suggestion about Haier.

Live Chat link of Haier India

Through this link, the user can go with live Chat with the team members of Haier Group.

Haier Corporate Office address

Haier Appliances India Pvt
LtdBuilding No – 1, Okhla
Industrial EstatePhase III,
New Delhi – 110020.

Social Networking Sites of Haier

Facebook link of Haier

Twitter link of Haier

Haier Led TV Address

The address of Haier Led TV is 1800 Valley Road Wayne, New Jersey 07470, United States.

Haier Led TV Email Address

The email address of Haier Led TV is customercare@haier.com.

Haier Led TV Website

The Website of Haier Led TV is www.haier.com.

Haier Led TV Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Haier Led TV is 1800-102-9999 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Haier Led TV Service Center and Haier Led TV customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Haier Led TV customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Haier Led TV. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Haier Led TV will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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