Howard Johnson Saskatoon Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Howard Johnson Saskatoon is +1 306-244-2901 .
Howard Johnson is one of the hotels located within the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It is the lodging industry that is the fully owned division of Wyndham Worldwide. It is the chain of motels and restaurants that provides different types of facilities including a playground, a Jacuzzi and indoor and outdoor pool, a fitness center, a swimming pool, a sauna, billiards court, etc. The Hotel provides room service to their guests with television for entertainment and high speed Internet connection to remain connected with the people globally. The hotel offers free parking facilities and shuttle bus service for the convenience of their guests. Howard Johnson is located at different locations in Canada including Alberta, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Manitoba. The hotel also has its operating divisions located in Argentina, Brazil, United States, China, Mexico, India, United Arab Emirates and many more. Howard Johnson has 4 different tiers with the name of Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel, Howard Johnson Hotel, Howard Johnson Inn and Howard Johnson Express Inn. It offers discounts to the customers on different packages who make on-line bookings. Howard Johnson also provides Banquet Facilities, Porters, 24-Hour Reception and wake up services to the guests. The hotel was founded by Howard Deering Johnson in 1925 Quincy, Massachusetts, United States.

Howard Johnson Saskatoon Address

The address of Howard Johnson Saskatoon is 610 Idylwyld Dr North, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7L 0Z2, Canada.

Howard Johnson Saskatoon Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Howard Johnson Saskatoon is +1 306-244-2901 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Howard Johnson Saskatoon Service Center and Howard Johnson Saskatoon customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Howard Johnson Saskatoon customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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