Magellan Roadmate Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Magellan Roadmate is +1 800-707-9971 .
Magellan RoadMate is a portable car navigation system receivers company. The company was founded in 1986. Magellan RoadMate is the manufacturer of GPS receivers and mapping software.
In the year of 2008, MiTAC is the parent company of Magellan RoadMate after changed the name into "MiTAC Digital Corporation".

Magellan RoadMate Brands Name and Locations

Magellan GPS units a wide range of variety viewing choices like pop-up, 3D bird's-eye view and night view visuals. The company also distributes vehicle navigation, outdoor handheld navigation products and crossover GPS. Magellan RoadMate offers mobile GPS networks Iphone and Premium Car Kit accessory. The Magellan RoadMate company makes a full range of GPS receivers include Magellan RoadMate, Magellan Maestro, Magellan CrossoverGPS, Magellan eXplorist, Magellan Triton and Hertz NeverLost. Magellan Navigation sells its products under the Magellan brand name in the United States, France, the United Kingdom, China Germany and the Netherlands. The navigation company also manufacturers mapping software for street, topographic, marine navigation.

Magellan RoadMate Corporate office

The company corporate office situated in Santa Clara, California, United States. The GPS company provides official website

Office Location of Magellan Roadmate:

471 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, California 95050-4300, United States.

Customer Care Number of Magellan Roadmate:

Toll-Free Number +1 800-707-9971
The customer support numbers of the company can be contacted to make query, get information about the related Navigation services, and so on. Magellan RoadMate provides a professional, and effective customer support services to serve the customers.

Official Email Address of Magellan Roadmate:

Official Website of Magellan Roadmate:

Social Media Presence:

The company has a strong presence on different social networking websites that can be explored to get additional information related to navigation services, and many more beyond the official website.

Magellan Roadmate Facebook Link

Magellan Roadmate Linkedin Link

Magellan Roadmate Address

The address of Magellan Roadmate is 471 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, California 95050-4300, United States.

Magellan Roadmate Email Address

The email address of Magellan Roadmate is

Magellan Roadmate Website

The Website of Magellan Roadmate is

Magellan Roadmate Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Magellan Roadmate is +1 800-707-9971 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Magellan Roadmate Service Center and Magellan Roadmate customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Magellan Roadmate customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Magellan Roadmate Phone Number Customer Service

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Magellan Roadmate Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. John Goldman CallsJun 25, 2018

Mr. John Goldman On Phone To Magellan Roadmate Service
My MiVue came with a card that didn't fit the unit. I sent is a tech support request BECAUSE the customer support number is out of service. I could have received a quick explanation rather than await a response, yet to come.

Customer care male
Mr. Charles Maley CallsAug 09, 2018

Mr. Charles Maley On Phone To Magellan Roadmate Service
I am the owner of Road Mate 9055 LM and it is not working as it needs to be repaired and a new battery. I have gone to the web site which is full of obsolete phone numbers that do not connect. I know have this alternative to connect with you.

Customer care male
Mr. Pat CallsSep 17, 2018

Mr. Pat On Phone To Magellan Roadmate Service
Magellan Customer Service on a scale from 0 to ten is a minus five - I have called the customer service number and they put you through a series of upsell sales promotions. On the last promo you have to press '1' to accept there is no other chose (if you just stay on the line they disconnect your call). So after trying to bypass the sales call I finally pressed '1'. Todd answered and when I told him I did not want the offer - he hung up on me. I tried to call back hoping to get someone else who would put me through to "Tech Support" I got a recorded message that this was a duplicate call and they disconnect my call. MAGELLAN IS THIS REALLY WHAT YOU CALL CUSTOMER SERVICE - I WILL NEVER BUY ONE OF YOUR PRODUCTS AGAIN AND WHEN EVER I GET A CHANCE I WILL RELAY MY EXPERIENCE TO ONE AND ALL.

Customer care male
Mr. Mark B Sanders CallsSep 04, 2018

Mr. Mark B Sanders On Phone To Magellan Roadmate Service
Mr. Mark Sanders I bought Roadmate 2136T-LM and it started give me problems a short time I purchased it so I tried to up date it with no success or help form Magellan. I purchased another device Roadmate 5320-LM and it worked for time and it also started to malfunction I tried to up date it as well, but also with success. I called someone in the tech support department and they told me that they would need to remote access my computer in order to make any repairs to my GPS device and this was the only way to do it no returning it by mail. It would seem that Magellan is not in the business of helping it's customers as well as selling devices that have short operating time. I am not surprised since I retired form the military and returned the states I fund that is communed practice for companies to sell substandard items for large sums of money with out any support or any other actions that can taken.

Customer care user complaints