Ramakrishna Paramhans Mahavidyalaya Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Ramakrishna Paramhans Mahavidyalaya is 02472222231 .

Ramakrishna Paramhans Mahavidyalaya - Osmanabad is one of the major centres of the Swami Vivekannanda Sanstha, established in the sacred city of Osmanabad in June 1959. Ramakrishna Paramhans Mahavidyalaya - Osmanabad has a rich tradition of pursuing academic excellence and overall personal growth. This is achieved by conducting regular examinations, providing excellent infrastructure and above all, with the presence of dedicated and highly qualified, faculty members.

Ramakrishna Paramhans Mahavidyalaya - Osmanabad is one the best educational centres in Marathwada region and rewarded as a ‘Quality College’ by Dr. BabaSaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University. It offers different kind of undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

Ramakrishna Paramhans Mahavidyalaya - Osmanabad is situated at Tambri Vibhag, Osmanabad. A library endowed with the latest books and periodicals forms the backbone of any educational institute. The library at Ramakrishna Paramhans Mahavidyalaya - Osmanabad is replete with the latest technical books and journals, reference volumes, required for learning and teaching all disciplines.

Ramakrishna Paramhans Mahavidyalaya - Osmanabad library is spacious with collection of over 78383 books on different subjects and continuously added to the collection to equip students with a wide range of academic material. Also we are taking 94 regular editions on different subjects and there is a seperate section for the books on competative exams and magazines.

Ramakrishna Paramhans Mahavidyalaya - Osmanabad has hostel facility for the students both boys and girls. College has great history of N.C.C. unit. It has accreditation to accommodate 60 cadet (Senior & Junior) in an unit. Knowledge spreading and the military training through N.C.C. to serve the nation should go hand to hand that’s why college takes effort. Interested students should use this opportunity. Under N.S.S. scheme college students may serve for National services like community services and village development. Honesty, hard work and inclination towards social services are the qualities which must be present in the student who is willing to participate in this scheme.

Ramakrishna Paramhans Mahavidyalaya Address

The address of Ramakrishna Paramhans Mahavidyalaya is Tambri Vibhag, Osmanabad.

Ramakrishna Paramhans Mahavidyalaya Website

The Website of Ramakrishna Paramhans Mahavidyalaya is www.rpcollege.co.in.

Ramakrishna Paramhans Mahavidyalaya Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ramakrishna Paramhans Mahavidyalaya is 02472222231 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ramakrishna Paramhans Mahavidyalaya Service Center and Ramakrishna Paramhans Mahavidyalaya customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Ramakrishna Paramhans Mahavidyalaya customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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